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"I love the opportunity to capture special moments that could otherwise be dulled by time or forgotten."

As a photographer, one of my favorite things to do is to go off the grid and explore this magical earth. On a recent birthday road trip through Utah, my husband and I found a location that truly felt like it was out of this world. We were the only people there and couldn’t help but take a few photos (the last photo in the set is of my husband and me). After exploring for a while, we deicded it was time to head out. As we drove away, I secretly wished I could have photographed a couple in this epic location. On the dirt road back, we serendipitously ran into a rad couple who asked where the best views of the dreamy hills were. My husband thought I was crazy but I impromptu asked to photograph them, and much to my joy they enthusiastically said yes! We were losing light fast so I knew we only had about 20 minutes to shoot so we introduced ourselves and started shooting! Turns out, the next day was V and Roz’s anniversary as well as V’s birthday, talk about a special occasion! We shot for around 20 minutes, exchanged information and hugs, and went on our way. Although V and Roz were not expecting to take photos that day, I hope the photos will serve as a fond memory of a very special trip (I know they do for me!).

Pictures by Catja Freeman

Instagram & Website

Location: Central Utah

Gear: Canon 5Diii, Canon 50mm 1.2, Canon 35mm 1.4

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